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Sunny days

Racing Update Posted on Wed, July 02, 2008 20:38:08


Long time since I last wrote you my personal thoughts about racing and life. Hold on here is another one.

As most of us racers I am addicted to racing and I am following MotoGP, WSBK, IDM, EWC and some local racing back home.
My first view and point to talk about is the performance of the 7 time F1 World Champion, Michael Schumacher. He is learning really quickly to go fast on two wheels instead of four. He is racing just for fun in the German Superbike series IDM. And he has had some crashes so far but he has also made some progress. My personal guess is that he is not just racing for fun, he will win in a short time I guess. Just because he is a racer, were winning means everything.

Casey Stoner has finally made some progress with his Ducati. The package seems to work much better with him at the moment and he immediately shows how good he is as a rider. I am sure it will be a interesting rest of the season.
The strange thing is that the other Ducati guys are so damn slow compared to Stoner. Melandri is at the same material and he is at the bottom end of the list. Not good for him or the team or confidence. Hopefully he finds some progress and some proper results soon.

BMW has signed Ruben Xaus for their WSBK project. The deal is for two years and I think it is a smart move to hire Rubens qualities for helping to develop the new motorcycle. He is always giving 100% and he is not afraid of taking some risks and have some crashes. Wonder what my idol Max Biaggi thinks about this? That his teammate leaves him alone and goes to a factoryteam.

I will go racing in Finland in less than two weeks time. It will be another 6h endurance race with the same guys I rode for last time. I am really looking forward to this.

Now it is time for another walk in the woods with Rossi. He is frustrated and is biting me allover my arms and legs. Strange Alaskan Malamut dog, that shows no respect to his leader while he is updating the blog.

See you!

Cheers / Christer

Greatest racetrack in Schweden

Racing Update Posted on Mon, June 02, 2008 22:11:05


In my last blog i wrote about a job to do last weekend. I must tell you that the work was brilliant. It was an other testriding project for the Swedish leading racemagazine BIKE.
I and Magnus ( big boss at the Mag ) went to Gotland and visited the Gotland Ring racetrack. Our purpose was to find out which of Suzuki GSXR 750 and Ducati 848 is the best bike for roadbikers to use both on track and on roads.
We spent the whole day pushing both bikes to the maximum for what tyres were able to give us and of course the feeling of the bikes in pushed situations at fast speed. It was great fun all day long.
The fun thing is that we almost missed the ferry in both directions! First on the way to Gotland, because of the fucking traffic situation in Stockholm. For a farmer boy like me it is difficult to plan for driving 3 km in one hour! Instead of 100 km per hour. So I was quite late to Sthlm and from there we took those bikes and went….. quite fast towards the ferry. We made it anyway and all was safe.
On the way home from Gotland we ate some really nice breakfast at the hotel and that made us really late again for the ferry. And above all that the policemen stopped us for checking our licenses and taking some alcoholtest also. My license were in the rucksack and we were in a hurry so the nice looking police woman looked at my face and belived my words and let me go on without showing her my license. That made us to reach the ferry by just two minutes marginal.

Do you think the beautiful 848 Ducati was the best bike? Mmmm, I can tell you, but than I have to kill you. So I think it is better to wait some more weeks and buy the next no of the BIKE magazine.
But both bikes were actually really nice. In different ways.

Rossi did it again at Mugello. Fantastic. Stoner were second. Good improvement from Ducati. Lorenzo did his first real mistake this season by crashing on overtaking. Shame.

My friend Frendy has also bought a new bike. A KTM 950 Adventure. Congrats for that. The summer will send us for some trips around Sweden and Scandinavia.

That is all for today.
See you / Christer

Summer & sunshine

Racing Update Posted on Wed, May 28, 2008 12:56:39


Time to say goodbye to the past and look forward to the future.
Sun is shining and the rain has been far away for a couple of days. That is briliant!
Working all days long has been on my schedule and will be for the next coming months. Superb. Earning money instead of spending it. That is what life is about.
This week has had taxidriving from Monday till Wednesday. Tomorrow Thirsday I will go to Borlänge for some more tractordriving. On Fridayevening I will go on with next project at the big island Gotland. Stay there till Sunday, than back home again for changing clothes and than back to Borlänge again. And like this it will continue I hope.
And between all working I will do some motorcycling also. Some racing but a lot of testing and riding on the streets just for fun.
I think I am starting to see the light infront of the tunnel now. The past is yesterday and I am looking for tomorrow.

My friend Mats is at the moment on the Isle of Man doing the 101st TT. And he is doing well. What else can you expect from a guy like him?! 5th fastest yesterday in practise!! That is brilliant for a hobbyrider like him…… I wish him all the best over there of course and will be happy to meet him back in Sweden with both his feet on the ground.

It was quite a long time ago since I last wrote about the stockmarket. Yes, I know I lost some money in it this winter, but now I am back again. Full of confidence and some more visdom hopefully. At the moment I have invested some money in oil of course. When all the citizens suffer for high oilprices and fuelcosts, than somebody else make a big profit on that. And I want to be a part of it and make some earnings together with Lundin Oil, Tanganyakan Oil, West Sibirian, PA Resources etc. And I am still crossing my fingers for Morphic Technologies and their future projects in wind, air, pulposion, fuelcells. Future technologies.

I have even rised my visions and are trying to look further in the future. And it doesn´t look completely dark. There are some bright spots and I am trying to orientate towards them and use my fighting spirit to get the best of everything.
People that steal energy from me or gives me negative energy has better to fuck off and go somewhere else. I have spent some years now with some of them and it gives you……….. nothing but grey hair and bad economy.

This weekend it is Prosbk at Gelleråsen in Karlskoga. I am not watching. But I will watch MotoGp from Mugello Italy and WorldSBK from US on Sunday. Yeah, that will be great both of the races.

Now I will wish you all a great week and weekend and talk to you soon again.
Regards / Christer


Racing Update Posted on Mon, May 05, 2008 21:44:47


Just want to see if the fuckin´ computer works as it should be. I don´t know why the last blog looks like it does. Something seems to be struggling for me at the moment. But why not. I have had four days of not so much problems so it is paybacktime today in every possible way. Right from the early morning…. all day long and it continued in the evening. So this first Monday of May was a big fuck!

See you.

Live Telly racing

Racing Update Posted on Sun, April 20, 2008 20:08:50


Ok. I have been watching a lot of racing on TV this weekend. Live broadcast from Le Mans 24h, Live ProSbk from Knutstorp and Live British Sbk from Thruxton.

Knutstorp and the first round of the Swedish Sbk was not much of fun watching. Papunen, made the start, went away quickly, had a 3 sec gap. Then tyres went off after 8!!! laps. How is that possible?? 8 fucking laps! Was it a qualtyre? In EWC racing we run for 60 min with quite good grip in the tyres. He did only 8 min! Anyway. He fell down to 3rd and Alexander Lund won before Jan Hansson. Really boring race to watch.

It went a far bit quicker on Thruxton in Brittania. Unbeliveble racing. Two wheel slides almost everywhere and tough racing. And sunny weather in England. Fantastic.

Le Mans 24h. As usual the SERT Suzuki bikes were 1st and 2nd. But both of them had two crashes each during the night and the rain. My friends in Maco had a hard race. Stanton crashed the bike in Saturdaymorning warmup and the mechanics had hard time to repair it before 3pm and the start of the race. After 6h the engine went hot and they had to change radiator. In the night they had further problems with electrics on the bike and finally in early morning they had to retire due to those problems.
My other friends in Phase One also had a hard time but they finally managed to reach the chequered flag after 24h in 12th place. But they also had two crashes in the night and rain. I think they did quite a good race anyway and by following the livetiming my friend Cudlin rode really well all hours long. And of course James Haydon also. The ex MotoGp, Sbk, SSP rider.
Rumors also told me that their third rider packed the bags and went home even before the race started. Why? Because he crashed the no1 bike in his qualification and did not get a spare bike to continue with. The team were happy with the times he had done and did not want him out anymore. But he wanted that for practise. And when he didn´t get any more possibility to ride, he packed his bag and left Le Mans…….

Also great results of no99 Acropolis Moto. Congratulations! Fantastic with 3rd place. In 6th place RMT 21 from Germany. Congratulations also to them and well done Tommy. ( Tommy was my teammate in Maco last year ).

After all the racing on Telly today, I find my own way to get rid of all the adrenalin. I took a 2hour ride with my endurobike in the swedish forest.

Ciao / Christer

Le Mans 24h

Racing Update Posted on Fri, April 18, 2008 11:40:44


This weekend the 24h EWC is oncoming at Le Mans Bugatti Circuite. I will follow the race Live on Eurosport and see how “my” old teams and teammates will do.
It will be interesting to watch out Macoracing from Slovakia with two worldchamps onboard. My old teammate Warwick Nowland and the american boy Jason Pridmore. Both of them has also been riding for british Phase One.
Phase One will also have my eyes watching out for them. It will be quite hard to sit infront of the plasma TV and watch the race as a spectator, but my dreams are still alive for EWC. Maybe some of the riders crash and hurt them selves or perhaps are too slow for the team. And then I will be there again!!!

The Swedish ProSuperbike series starts on Sunday at Knutstorp Ring. And guess?! I don´t care! It will be broadcasted Live on some swedish television chanell, can´t even remember which one. Who will win??? I think one of the guys with the biggest wallets..!

I am missing a lot of things. For example my friends from the glorious days of racing in Scandinavian Open. Names like, Pier, Jensen, Greven, Sköld, Havnen, Maikkola, Johansson. Then racing was fun and equal. And all of us guys could make a barbeque together on Saturday night before raceday. Playing Football, ( soccer for you american bastards ), and share something to drink. No, not alcohol for me. Yes, some of the others drank a beer or two. It was really fun days of racing.
All this sounds like in the 60´s for you??! I can tell you that it was just some years ago, like 2003-2005.
At present time everything is different. It is just business that counts. Racing is a biproduct. The important thing is to look great in the paddock. Have the flashiest car and truck. Biggest tents and sweetest teamclothing with the nicest umbrellagirls you can find. My problem with all this is that the sporting thing is not the most important. I am a fighting winner, or at least used to be. But now I have to fight for so much around racing just for eventually be able to race some laps. And that is not fun. Racing is about fun in my life. It has costed me a hell lot of money through the years. Also my girlfriends money and most of all my parents money. All this just for letting me having fun and win races and become champion!! It all gave us some excitement and thrill.
Some years ago something happened and the fun changed to obligations and stress and disappointments. All the joy were lost and paying all the money we have done for not even having the smallest amount of fun when racing, is not what it is worth. Things change.
Years ago I could do whatever it takes to been able to ride because it gave me good vibrations. Those are gone. And you don´t fight yourselves to death for not having fun!!

See you.
Viva Camorra, Ciao

Fortum, work, Sthlm

Racing Update Posted on Wed, April 09, 2008 20:39:34


Just back into the nice heat inside the appartement, from a long days work out in the Swedísh cold april weather. Snow, rain, winds. And to all this temperatures near freezing point. Things like this aint what we are ment for.!
This week and the last also, I´ve been working at a project for one of the biggest Energydistributors in Sweden, Fortum.
I am hoseholding by a friend Tosse in the weeks and there is a lot of racing in our conversations both at work and afterwords.
But at the moment I am feeling really weak. Think I´ve got the flu oncoming. Better to drink some orangejuice and eat some really strong kebabpizza, to quicker get rid of it again.
“Now, If you hate it, you have better fight it back” Intelligent words… by Accept.
You can put them into almost everything and get a meaning out of it…..

See you guys.
Cheers / Christer

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Racing Update Posted on Tue, March 25, 2008 18:18:59

Hi friends

There is a lot of strange things going on in the EWC series. Strange for people outside the paddock but normal racing things for us inside.
First of all the 24h Osch is no longer a 24h. It is a 8h! Shit! That is sad because it was a real great place to race in nighttime.
Then there is a lot of things going on between the teams. Riders change teams just some weeks before first race is off and some will not even get a chance to race. A lot of things is still going on behind the back of teams, bosses and riders. Normal stuff for us involved, but a little bit strange for people watching from grandstand.

Even in Sweden things go crazy as usual. Riders quit suddenly and starts own team. Parts that is payed for since long time ago is still missing and so on……

But anyway I am so happy. I have met my best friend and mechanic and had some great days off in Denmark. And today I have been out on my offroad bike for some hours having just fun. It feels like that was what was needed for my brain. Got rid of a lot of shit in my head.

Will talk to you soon again.

Regards / Christer

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