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EWC Boldor 24h & Working

Racing Update Posted on Sat, September 08, 2007 15:45:44

Sorry for not updating as frekvently as I should have done. The real life has made me bussy for a while. A lot of work to do in the weeks to earn my needeble money for surviving. Have spent the last days and weeks in Sälen ( Swedish Mountains ) and working with a Tractor in the darkest woods. A nice change to my profession and it is so nice to be sitting alone in the tractor. Just me, the machine and the big mountains around me. Great!
The bad thing was that there was no internet connection nearby, so I could not update the webpage nor even read my emails!! Shit, that is hard. We are living in the 2100 century and the daily life requires access to things like this.
Till next time I will buy my self a Wireless GPRS Mobile Card to my Laptop.

On the racing scene it is only days left now for the legendary Boldor 24h EWC at Magny Cours in France. And I will ride again together with Maco Moto Racing.
Hopefully the weather stays dry and warm, because I would not like to have a replay of last years weather when it was raining every day. The surface on the track is so slippery in the wet so it becomes hazzard and gambling just to survive without crashing the bike.

Anyway don´t forget to watch the Live Coverage on Eurosport 15-16 of Sept with start at 14.30 CET.

Today Sunday I will go out for a ride on the endurobike for some hours. I just need to get up to speed again and get the adrenalin to wake up before leaving Sweden on Tuesday for visiting the frogeaters in France again.
The Autumn is here in Sweden and the leaves in the trees are getting more yellow for everyday now and the colours are becoming nicer everyday. The bad thing is naturally the even more unstable weather and that the temperature gets more chilly. Fu…k, I really hate freezing all the time and I am not looking forward to an other cold winter 🙁 It becomes harder every year to survive the winter, the cold weather and the dark period.
But for the moment the sun is shining and I have no more time left for you guys, must go out with the bike!

Thanks to all of you sponsors out there!!! And friends also of course
Spassiba / Christer

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More Endurance

Racing Update Posted on Mon, August 27, 2007 10:51:35

Two fantastic days on the endurobike has made life worth living again. In all I spent almost 11h in the sadle on my Suzuki enduro in the Swedish forests. It feels like I have done something really good for our world. More peolple should spend hours in the non surburbian places and listen to birds singing and elks looking at you with wideopen eyes!

Next time I will be on racingtrack again will be the 8th of Sept. It is going to be a 6h race in the nordic endurance challenge ( NEC ). I will ride for Team Fagersjo EL and it will be together with one of the topriders from the Swedish SBK championship. And yes, we will ride Suzuki GSXR1000.

My mechanics will be there and the only goal is winning!! No doubt about that. Looking forward to that race, because it will also be a warm up for my next World Endurance Championship race the weekend after at Boldo´r in France.
Iwill ride once more for Slovakian Maco Moto Racing in the 24h race on the racetrack Magny Cours.
Hopefully we can achieve an even better result this time than we did in Germany. I will do whatever I can to be even in better shape next time. That is why I am training really hard every day. Enduro, running, inlines is the melody….

Speak to you soon……
/ Christer

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Swe Sbk Champship

Racing Update Posted on Sun, August 19, 2007 23:22:30

Just back home again after spending a couple of days on racetrack again.
This time in Swedish Championship in Karlskoga.
A nice first practise gave me 3rd position with my K3 Gixxer! But after the second qual I went down to totally 5th place. But anyway, happy with that and not that bad after all.
The race was redflagged after just one lap because of a startcrash and then restarted again. This time I was pushed aside into first corner and lost 4 places immediately and the race should be really hard.
I were fighting hard in 9th place and than 8th and was behind another local rider Crazy Mike for last 18 laps without any chances to pass him due to lack of power on the straights. Now I know how Rossi must feel fighting against Stoner!!
I finished 8th in the race. Am I happy? Of course not, but not that dissapointed either. I did whatever I could do and learnt some more stuff for the future. First choose right tyres, second make a good start, third…… I was beginning to write that I should try even harder, but I really did what I could today with the machinery I got. Sorry!
I would like to thank all the sponsors and friends that showed up at the race today!! Really nice meeting you all!!
Best Regards / Christer

World Champ Points!!

Racing Update Posted on Wed, August 15, 2007 13:42:37

Glad to report some positive news for you people out there in the world!
Last weekend held the 24h World Endurance Championship in Oschersleben Germany, and I was there riding for the superb team Maco Moto Racing from Slovakia.
It was the first time I rode for the team and I can not say anything other than they were some really nice guys to work with and we were also aiming for the same targets.
I rode together with Tommy Miksovsky from Chech Republik and Leroy Verboveen from Belgium.
We ended up in total 16th place and 6th in our class after 24h of racing!! That is not bad, after having two minor crashes and gearbox problems for the last 7 hours.
The Yamaha R1 we used in the race was a nice bike to ride but we were hoping for some better tyres from Dunlop, but could not get those. Tyres means a lot in racing and you will always have the best possible to ride on, but it doesn´t mean that you can have them anyway.
Mr Maco Kuzma and Ms Denise did a great work all weekend together with mechanics and brought us the best ever package to ride with.
I am glad at the moment to feel sore and tired of all racing, and it was the energyboost I have been looking for this season!!!
Now my energylevel has rised some couple of hundred percent! And that means I will win next round in Swedish Championship, no doubt.
And after that I am looking forward to the autumn with more international racing on tracks I love to be on!!!
And the warm welcome from all the people in different teams made me almost cry. It was so emotional to feel the atmosphere and talk to the people I have been missing so long. Both old friends and new.
Will keep on in positive style now for the last of my life and keep on fighting for reaching the goals I am aiming for in life.
Best Regards and kisses to you all!! / Christer

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World Endurance again!!

Racing Update Posted on Fri, August 03, 2007 16:47:08

I can not tell you how happy I am to write you these words!
Wow, fianlly I will come out again into the real world of racing!!!
I will race in a top team on a YAMAHA R1……. It will be fantastic and I am really looking forward to this.
More information will come soon.
Looking forward to tell you more about what will happen this autumn. And it will for sure include a lot of racing and I am in a really good mood right now bacause everything is looking brighter again after a disastrous season.
Best Regards to you all
Cheers / Christer on the way back home from DK.


Racing Update Posted on Tue, July 31, 2007 07:22:00

The problems with my computer still accour. The outgoing e-mail will not work as it should do. Everything is checked thousands of times. I have been talking to the internet provider, checking the setups, double checked the settings of the firewall and the antivirus program. Puhh, I just want it to work so I can do my work with my computer and not just spend all my time on checking error messages.

Yesterday I were riding and suspension instructor at Gellerasen. It was a real nice day at work with plenty of riders from all of Sweden. Not a lot of crashes and everybody seemed to have fun out on the track riding their motorcycles. And I enjoyed riding my old K3 GSXR once again.
It is really funny actually. The bike is unchanged since 2003 season which I won in Superbike. Than I won the championship in 2004 and 2005 again with the same bike! I really think I must love that one really much.

There is a lot of things going on in the background at the moment. Of course you will never know if everything can fell out at the best, but it seems quit interesting at the moment. In a short while there will be some trips and visits and some important phonecalls. I will cross my fingers and really work hard for making it come true so he positive aura once again gets stronger than the negative that has been around me for a while.

See you later friends and regards to you all.
/ Christer

Fucking Microsoft!

Racing Update Posted on Fri, July 27, 2007 16:58:30

It has been a really horrible week. The plans where great but all my plans seems to find another path this year than that one I have chosen them.
First of all my plans were to try and sell most of my old stuff from my garage. Plenty of racing parts to different brands that I have been ridden through the years.
But when the truck was loaded and I went off to the racetrack for doing good business, I got right in my face the fact that someone else had the rights to sell products at the track this week…. Ok, no point arguing, just to turn the truck and go back home again.
Well than the real problems started. My computer crashed!!! That is a real nightmare if all your life is put into that little box. Suddenly, I could not read e-mail, or do anything at all with the computer.
Today friday some 5 days later it has started to work again. But not in full action, just properly and slowly.
Yesterday I was so frustrated. My plan was just to buy me a shotgun and kill that bastard once for all and try to survive with the memorys of all lost data, pictures, bookings, e-mails, contacts, bills, invoices, sponsordeals, bankings etc.
You can emagine that I have been running, doing some inlines and practising on my enduro just to get rid of all the adrenalin and anger.
And no, I will not race on Gellerasen this weekend in the european championship. Because of the different tireregulation and lack of sponsors.

Now I will keep on reparing my computer to its full strength and wish for some good days off just relaxing and reading books without something upseting me all the time.

Over and out……. / Christer

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Endurance 6h

Racing Update Posted on Tue, July 24, 2007 22:12:44

Last weekend held the traditional 6h endurance race at Gelleråsen in Karlskoga.
And of course I was joining the event. Once again with the guys Ploppen and Tosse on their GSXR1000 K5.
We qualified in second place beaten by just 0,1 second.
I took the first session and went away in good speed together with Kim J and Peter L and Jimmy L. After about ten laps it was only Jimmy and me left in the leading group. We set off in a really fast pace and had some real fun chasing each other around the track. After 45 min Jimmy went into the pits for his change of rider, but I stayed out for another 40 min! My lead for our team was almost 1,5 laps before it was time to hand over the bike to Plóppen.
Ploppen did what he should do and we were in the lead for almost 3 hours before our braking problems stopped us from winning or even keep going on.
We had to quit the race due to brake failure. Shame but that is racing.
Anyway, all the guys in the team were really fantastic and I really enjoyed racing together with them once again. ( Thank you guys!! )

I have started to think a lot about the future and what I will aim for in the 2008 season. The season 2007 is by far my worst ever racing season, so what ever happends it can hardly be worse!
Will it be an other attempt in the ProSuperbike series in Sweden? Will it be comeback once again into World Endurance Championship? Or maybe something completely different? I will tell you as soon as anything comes to reality, but at this moment I am just making plans in my head. I know what I want and I know what I have been dreaming of for a long time in life, so just keep on watching my blog in the future and you will find out!!

“Be careful what you wish for, because it may come true! “

Regards / Christer

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