Time flies! It has almost gone two weeks since my last blogg report. Unbeliveble, I don´t know where all the seconds, minutes and hours fly away. But one thing is for sure. They will never come back again!
Last weekend I spent in Brno Czechia doing some preseason practice with my Superbike GSXR K7 and K6 for the oncoming Swedish Championship.
The practise were not the best I have done in my life. Actually we had problems from the first moment on and it continued all the weekend with the final countdown with a big crash!
I hit a rider from behind when he ran out of fuel and I was slipstreaming him for overtaking. Of course I fell off my bike and crashed and the bike hit the wall not once, but twice! ( Expensive one ).
But the good thing is that I did not break any bones or hurt my self badly. Just some scratches and a stiff neck.
The problem is that I will race this oncoming weekend and I have no proven bikes at the moment. For sure everything will sort out in some way or other but it is quite short of time left.
The good thing is that I improved my personal best laptime at the Brno track by -2,2 seconds before the axeman came and showed his power of life. It is the magical FATE or DESTINY, and you can not do anything about it. Just to accept it.
At the moment, my mechanics are working overtime to rebuild the bikes again. They are fantastic people and I love them all.
I wish I can show them my appreciation by doing the best ever result in the first race.
Now I must continue with my phonecalls to my partners and sponsors and tell them about the stories that has happened.
Cheers / Christer Miinin
( “What kind of kingdom has no throne? No crown or caste do I own! I don´t have silver, gold or jewels. Yes, I am the King of the FOOLS” ) Twisted Sister