Wow! I am really feeling alive at the moment. It was some years ago. We made to the checquerd flag in the Le Mans 24h EWC. And in a 8th PLACE!! That is superb after starting from 34th place on the startinggrid.
Even when you start thinking of the rain that interrupted for 22 of 24 hours that is even greater result. All three of us riders, Me, Peter Hickman and Belucchi Emilliano made all the best all the time. In no way we were just cruising. We all wanted as good result as possible and that made us give everything.
In my last stint just 2,5 hours from the end I finally lost momentarium for a split second and highsided and crashed. Landed on my head and tumbled around in the gravel and grass before stopping. Some second later I was on the bike again and could start it and cruise to the pit to repair the handlebar and fotrest. And 5 minutes later we were at full speed again.!
Now afterwards I really want to send a really big THANK YOU to MY SUPERB TEAM NO LIMITS!! You were all fantastic during the whole week and brilliant through the race. Forza No Limits!!
It is really fantastic actually. I have not been racing constantly since 2006 in EWC and almost nothing in 2008, but anyway I delivered my best ever laptimes on Le Mans! It feels so great to once again be remembered about the little bit of talant I´ve got for this wonderful motorcycle sport. From now on it will even only be better. I have got a lot of laps into my body in racespeed and in great competition, and that will make me even faster.
Today I am feeling like I have been run over by a train. My neck hurts, my shoulder is sore, my knee is hurting and all my body is just demolised. But anyway I would never change this feeling for something undone. All this just reminds me about what it is to feel alive. To have a desire and will to live your dreams.
People back home are almost terrified when hearing about a crash in 160 km/h, and land on tarmac with your helmet first, and than tumble around. You can get killed they tell me. And things can go wrong for sure, but anyway it is a risk worth taking just to feel alive for a couple of hours! You can get hurt and get really badly ill in so many other ways in life. It is a little risk you have to live with.
Tomorrow the weather will be better in Sweden, so I will for sure take my endurobike and go for a ride in the neighbourhood.
Thanks to all of you who have supported me and made this come true again this season!
Thank you all you people who have supported me by sending greatful SMS, blogging, and emails.
See you soon again!!
Best Regards / Christer