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Racing bloggen

What if……

Racing Update Posted on Tue, February 20, 2007 23:25:30

What if……. I have never tried it!!
That is the title of Valentino Rossis Selfbiografi that I just have read. And what can I say about the book and the person himself as discribed?
   At many parts of the book and some associations in it I can see myself instead of Rossi and I think most of all racers will also feel the same as I did when reading the book.
   For sure we are some strange guys who choose to find our own ways in everything we do and most of the time it is not the easiest path we will follow!
   I can not talk for everybody, but only for my self and I am a seeker who gets nervous about doing the same thing in life more than two days in a row without learning something new!
   I want some challenge and stimualtion as often as possible to feel alive and that must be why I became a racer and motorcyclist! It gives you all the adrenalin pumping in your veins and stimulates your testosteren production which gives you the “kicks” you are lookin for!

Today was another worhtless day here in Sweden. It was about -14 degrees and windy and the snow was falling. You could not go out riding the endurobike!
   So it had to be some working inside house and sponsor hunting instead.
   Some hours by phone and a lot of emails to people around. The only good thing then is that you can listen to the German Quality Heavy Metalband “RAMMSTEIN” while working. DU HAST MICH!

Now I will spend some hours with my bookeeping before I will fall asleep!
    It is quite important to do so sometimes, otherwise you have to ride even faster to get rid of the Taxpolice that will hunt you down and collect your money! 🙁  ( And they will never let you go again )

Cheers for now and goodnight to you all!

/ Christer Miinin

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Valentines day!

Racing Update Posted on Thu, February 15, 2007 15:54:20

Hi friends!

Yesterday it was valentines day, and what happend!? Nothing special! No ladies dancing on the tables nor even a single flower on my pillow 🙁

So I will forget all about Valentines day and talk more about what is going on in the “real” world, of racing of course!
Ever since the 26th of January there has been plenty of business going on in the weekends.
First there was a trip to Norway for skiing for about 3 days, the week after I flew to the Isle of Man for a fantastic weekend of pleasure and on coming racing. Directly after that I went back home again for more work and business!

But I will also tell you that I am doing my learning and exercise every day.
Two laps on the mountain course of TT every day while training on my cycle infront of the telly! ( I will surprise you all at the 100th TT!!! )
And I am also doing the training with my endurobike twice or three times per week.

In march I will go to Spain for some important tyretesting, and for preseason testing for the oncoming Endurance WorldChampionship.

Thanks for your time and Regards to you all!

/ Christer Miinin

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Nya Hemsidan!

Racing Update Svenska Posted on Wed, February 07, 2007 18:08:08

Hej och välkomna till nya tider!

2007 är ett nytt år och ett nytt år kräver nya tider och därför lanseras en helt ny hemsida med ny layout och upplägg.
Här är det meningen att ni lättsamt skall kunna följa det som sker i de olika professioner som jag deltar i under året. Hemma i Sverige och ute i vida världen.
På bloggen kommer jag att skriva och rapportera de händelser som jag är med om och tanken är att det skall bli ännu mera “live” rapportering med den nya sidan.
Vidare är bloggen öppen för er alla att kommentera, kritisera, berömma eller bara sända en hälsning.
Jag har uppdaterat min dator och telefon så att jag skall kunna hoppa in i datavärlden så snart tillfälle ges med täckning av GPRS/3G/WDMA eller annan kablad förbindelse.

Vill ni maila mig så finns jag på:

Som sagt, Varmt välkomna till den nya hemsidan!

Er racerförare Christer

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