Just some pictures.
Some makes me dream of a better world. Just kidding. Dreams of adrenalin and fighting for positions is more realistic and closer to the truth.
A cat is not just a small little animal. It is a real lion in a smaller body! It is a fascinating animal, that can make you forget the world around you for hours.
Driving a rallycar in WRC is a privilege for a small amount of successful drivers at the toplevel. Most of us other people have just to keep dreaming…..
Some further explanations:
The first picture is from 2007, when I was riding for the Slovenian team MacoMoto. It is taken at Boldór 24h Endurance World Championship. My heart starts to pump the blood in my vains, when I remember the details of the event.
The second picture is taken with Nikon D90. My new toy and hobby. To take pictures and try to catch the moment. And the catmodel is Maja 4 years of age. A real mousehunter that never ever surrender for the enemy, what ever kind it is.
The last picture was taken last Saturday at SS13 Fredriksberg in Sweden WRC Rally. It was -22 in the early morning and I did my best crowling in the snow for getting great pictures. This picture is shot just some two meters from the car rushing at 160 km/h.
See you all in Stockholm at Saturday………..
RAMMSTEIN visits Stockholm……… Don´t miss the consert!!
/ Christer