Hi friends
There is a lot of strange things going on in the EWC series. Strange for people outside the paddock but normal racing things for us inside.
First of all the 24h Osch is no longer a 24h. It is a 8h! Shit! That is sad because it was a real great place to race in nighttime.
Then there is a lot of things going on between the teams. Riders change teams just some weeks before first race is off and some will not even get a chance to race. A lot of things is still going on behind the back of teams, bosses and riders. Normal stuff for us involved, but a little bit strange for people watching from grandstand.
Even in Sweden things go crazy as usual. Riders quit suddenly and starts own team. Parts that is payed for since long time ago is still missing and so on……
But anyway I am so happy. I have met my best friend and mechanic and had some great days off in Denmark. And today I have been out on my offroad bike for some hours having just fun. It feels like that was what was needed for my brain. Got rid of a lot of shit in my head.
Will talk to you soon again.
Regards / Christer